Dr Who Continuity Error Pompeii 10th Doctor is There

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Sybilline priestesses kneel after the High Priestess speaks, in a shot from the front, Donna, sitting on the altar, has her hands in front of her - she's using her left hand to take the rope off her right wrist. In the next shot, from behind, her hands are at her sides. In addition, the rope still on her right wrist disappears. (00:27:05)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor and Donna are walking through the underground tunnels towards Mount Vesuvius, tunnels that can be presumed to be fairly warm due to their connections to volcanic activity, their breath is visible - something that only happens in cold temperatures. (00:31:20)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor explains to Donna how he sees the universe, the distance between them changes several times. (00:31:40)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor is talking to Evelina at the end, her hair changes position between shots. (00:44:00)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Donna leave as Caecilius, Metella, Evelina and Quintus stand and watch the destruction of Pompeii, the TARDIS changes orientation between shots - in both of them, one from in front of the family and one from behind, the TARDIS' door, with the sign, is visible. (00:45:10)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: After Metella hands Caecilius the beetle brooch, his hands change position between the close-up and the wide shot. (00:46:10)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Donna are talking to Caecilius, when they introduce themselves as "Spartacus" and Caecilius makes several guesses as to their relationship, wondering if they're married or siblings, in shots facing them, the Doctor and Donna are standing fairly close together. In shots facing Caecilius, however, the Doctor and Donna are standing much further apart. (00:11:05)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: After Lucius' arrival, when the Doctor escorts Donna towards the TARDIS, telling her they have to go, which she doesn't agree with, between shots his hands change position between having his right hand on her back, or having both his hands on her shoulders. (00:13:55)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Caecilius are talking while the Doctor examines the hypocaust, Caecilius keeps changing position. (00:17:40)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: In Lucius' house, when the Doctor pulls the cloth off the shelf with the stone circuits, the position of Quintus' hand on the shaft of the torch he's holding changes between shots. (00:19:10)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When Donna changes into contemporary clothing, she has a purple shawl of sorts draped over her dress. In the first shot, she's shown with her hand out from under the cloth, but in the next shot her hand is under the cloth. (00:19:30)

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Other mistake: Near the start, the Doctor and companion, just after having experienced a violent earthquake within the city of ancient Pompeii, discover someone sold the TARDIS after fleeing toward where they parked it and finding it gone. But where it had stood there is a floor to ceiling shelf of clay pots, very aligned, unshaken, unmoved from the shelves. (00:04:00)

James G. Mason

The Fires of Pompeii - S4-E2

Plot hole: After getting out of the Pyrovile escape pod, the Doctor and Donna start running back to Pompeii. In the process, they are somehow able to outrun what appears to be a pyroclastic flow. Pyroclastic flows can reach speeds of up to 700 kph, and should be impossible for them to outrun. (00:38:15)

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Midnight - S4-E10

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.


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Source: https://www.moviemistakes.com/tv5042/episode32732

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